
Welcome to Manchester participatory mapping

My name is Lucia Brisudová and I am a PhD candidate in Regional Geography at Palacký University in Czech Republic.
I would like to ask you to participate in research for my PhD research project. The research concerns people´s different perception of urban space in Manchester city in time.
The whole project comes from collaboration of the University of Manchester and Palacký University in Czech Republic.
The Map-Me platform you see right now contains a brief personal questionnaire, followed by a map section with three questions concerning your subjective perception of Manchester. Completing the questionnaire will not last more than 10-15 minutes.

Thank you very much in advance for your time and willingness!

Contact details and involved departments:

Lucia Brisudová
Department of Geography/Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic

Dr. Jonathan Huck
Department of Geography/The University of Manchester


1) I confirm that I have read the attached information sheet for this study and have had the opportunity to consider the information and ask questions and had these answered satisfactorily.

2) I understand that my participation in the study is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any time without giving a reason and without detriment to myself. I understand that it will not be possible to remove my data from the project once it has been anonymised and forms part of the data set.

3) I agree to take part on this basis.

4) I agree that any data collected may be included in anonymous form in journal articles/ publications/dissertation thesis/ conference and other professional presentations.

5) I understand that data collected during the study may be looked at by individuals from The University of Manchester or regulatory authorities, where it is relevant to my taking part in this research. I give permission for these individuals to have access to my data.

6) I understand that there may be instances where during the course of the research information is revealed which means the researchers will be obliged to break confidentiality and this has been explained in more detail in the information sheet.

I agree to take part in this study.


1. Were you born in Manchester?


2. How many years have you lived in Manchester?

3. In which city ward do you live? (Ardwick, Hulme, ...). If you are not sure you can find your street with this interactive map – click here to find your ward

4. Which of the following transport options do you use the most when moving around the city? Choose one or more of these options:

➔ public transport
➔ walking
➔ car
➔ bicycle
➔ other way (specify)

5. Where do you spend much time of the day (more than 10% of your time when away from home) (e.g. at work/at school/free time etc.)? Please, insert the streets of these places.

6. Currently you are

On a parental leave
In retirement

7. What is your highest level of education?

Primary school
Secondary school
Sixth Form/College
University (undergraduate)
University (postgraduate)

8. Age

65 +

9. Gender

Do not want to specify

10. Now please generate your own identification number by clicking here.
Write down this number as well, you will need it in the second stage of research.

Before continuing with the map section of this survey, please take a brief look at this short video tutorial to help you complete it correctly - click here to view video.


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