
Report a Pine Marten Sighting in Yorkshire

NatureSpy are a wildlife conservation social enterprise and we collect information on reported pine marten sightings in the Yorkshire area as part of the Yorkshire Pine Marten Support Programme. To find out more about our work please visit the NatureSpy website.

We collect some core bits of information on each reported sighting, which you'll be able to log on this web page. It's really helpful for us to receive both the location of the sighting and some details on what you saw, which we collect through your answers to the questions you'll find here.

Date and approximate time of the sighting.

Describe the main characteristics of the animal you saw (e.g. fur colour, fur markings, approximate size).

Describe what the animal was doing (e.g. on ground, ran by, in tree, foraging). Provide as much detail as you can.

What characteristics or behaviours of the animal you saw helped you identify it as a pine marten? (e.g. previous experience, website resources, TV)

Any additional comments?

Please provide your name and email address.

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